"Someone once told me if you have a love so strong for someone, it can get you through anything" ~ Cody Simpson

"I want to inspire people through music and want to help those less fortunate than I am" ~ Cody Simpson

Cody Simpson does not have a personal Facebook.

Cody Simpson said he would ask a girl out by singing "Love so strong" and then say "will you go out with me?"

Cody Simpson might be having a World tour later this year.

Cody Simpson doesn't like when girls get emotional and freak out when they meet him.

Cody Simpson likes when fans make t-shirts or signs and bring them to his concerts.

Cody Simpson’s nickname in Australia was Cod-Fish because he is a swimmer.

"Anybody who puts me down, only inspires me" ~ Cody Simpson

Cody Simpson wore three different pairs of shoes in the "All Day" music video: Chivalrous Cultures, Zara, & Ateliers Arthur.

The rain scene in Cody Simpson's "All Day" video was filmed at 1am, and they made a rain machine out of a Garden hose, and timber.

Cody Simpson might be on an episode of the Disney show 'Shake It Up!'

The girl Cody Simpson texts the most is his mum.

Cody Simpson qualified for the 2012 Olympics for Swimming

If Cody Simpson had his own cereal, It would taste like Ice Cream and would have marshmallows and kangaroo shapes.

Cody Simpson wrote his first song at age 7 and it was about putting a diaper on a chicken.

Cody Simpson wants to own his own cereal.

Cody Simpson's sister, Alli, would love to do her own TV show someday.

Cody Simpson's tumblr is

Cody Simpson called his EP "4U" because he's giving it to his fans for supporting him.

Cody Simpson wrote a song for a girl back in Australia called "Love So Strong"

Cody Simpson prefers to message his fans over Twitter or Facebook rather then write them a personal letter.

Cody Simpson and Flo Rida recorded their parts for "iYiYi" at different locations.

Cody Simpson got his first guitar lesson at age 7 and his teacher told his parents that Cody had an ear for music.

Cody Simpson played a bit of the acoustic and electric guitar on his EP, "4U"

Cody and Alli Simpson often go shopping together, they help each other with outfits.

When Cody Simpson's sister, Alli, first met Joe Jonas, she started crying because she's a big fan of him.

The first ever celebrity Cody Simpson met was Michael Phelps.

Cody Simpson and Jessica Jarrell wrote a song and recorded it together, but it might never be released

Cody Simpson has been auditioning for some acting roles, he said they were fun, but for now he's sticking to music.

If Cody Simpson wasn't a singer, he would want to be a professional swimmer.

Cody Simpson started posting videos on YouTube to see what people thought of his singing.

Cody Simpson once wrote a song for a girl he liked then he played it for her and it made her, her mum and grandma cry when they heard it.

"My fans don't love me because I'm successful... I'm successful because they love me." ~ Cody Simpson

Cody Simpson's favourite song off his Ep is "All Day"

Cody Simpson would like to do a duet with Justin Timberlake.

Cody Simpson's full length album will be finished around March.

Cody Simpson is getting a recording studio in his new house in Los Angeles California where he will record most of his full length album

A hidden talent Cody Simpson has is that he can listen to ANY song 3 times and is able to memorize and sing it after.

For The First Time
For The First Sight
Flashback went to Four months ago..

In the first sight, I met him in classmeeting. He played his hobby in front of me and 3 others my friends. First, I really excited to look him. I don't know what happened in my feeling. I really want to more close with him. But I know it not easy. Because, I dunno his name. and that boy dunno my name too.. In fact, I really really want to know his name, his class, his home, etc..

Yes, it's impossible to me to close with him. But, God give me a chance. God has a another plan. Suddenly, he add my account. initially i close with him in virtual world. then, he ask my phone number. we are texting all day, everyday. And now You make may hope is real. Thanks God..

----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>

sorry, I'm not perfect. I never told you that I often think about you. in fact, every second, every minute, every hour, I'm always thinking about you. The shadow of you always appear in my brain. Did you know? I really love you. when we back from school together, I was really nervous. I always ask to my friend. am I pretty? am I ugly? how my face now?

I want to always look beautiful in front of you. and eliminate the existing feeling nervous. but it was really difficult. I feel the most fortunate because could have you.

Did you know? My inbox full of your messages because i only want texting with you. JUST YOU. In fact, I very seldom replied my friend messages.

Actually there are some boys who expressed his feelings to me. but no one I received. because I just love you.

We are always be prince and princess forever.

----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>

Farish: (berlari menghampiri Marsha yang sedang duduk di pinggir lapangan sambil membaca novel) "eh, salam dari lo udah gue sampein ke Adit. katanya salam cinta dari dia. hahah cieee.."

Marsha: (dengan tampang kaget dan tidak percaya) "what? lo yang bener aja rish! gue kan ga nitip salam buat dia. ah parah kan lo!!"

Farish: (duduk disebelah Marsha) "suka beneran juga gapapa kok. Oh iya, katanya, dia suka sama lo. sukanya udah lama. dia minta bantuan gue buat nyomblangin lo sama dia"

Marsha: (tidak peduli dam terus membaca novel) "speak! gak mungkin dia suka sama gue!"

Farish: "ga percaya amet dah. ga mungkinlah gue boong. ngapain juga gue boong. eh mau dibales gak salam dari dia?"

Marsha: "enggak. makasih. palingan lo mau jebak gue doang.. Lagian, si Adit pasti ngomong kaya gitu ke semua cewek yang ngasih salam ke dia.."

Farish: "ya ampun Marsha. gue jujur tadi. gue tau Adit. dia baru pertama kali ngomong salam cinta ke cewek. serius deh gue. Kalo satu sekolahan tau Adit suka sama lo gimana yaa. Pasti fansnya Adit pada kecewa semua deh.. Eh tapi, cocok tau. Lo kan disukain sama banyak cowok. Sama kaya si Adit. banyak disukain cewek. Wah, prince and princess couple nih.. hahahaha" (berlari ke kelas)

Marsha: (mengejar Farish ke arah kelas) "Fariiiiiiiish!!"

-to be continued-

(before: http://officialhanholic.blogspot.com/2011/01/intermezzo-sinetron-abis.html)

Ini lagu-lagu yang sering banget gue dengerin saking bagusnya. Kalau lagi bosen, ngegalau, badmood -_- Ya mungkin aja buat blogwalkers yang lagi hunting lagu-lagu enak mungkin ini bisa jadi option kalian. walaupun diantara ini ada lagu lawas. Lagu lawas juga kan rata-rata enak. selamat menikmati. cekidot!!

  • Taylor Swift - You belong with me
Ceritanya ada seorang cewek yang sangat amat menyukai cowok itu. tapi orang yang ia sukai sudah mempunyai pacar. Pacarnya itu cewek populer disekolahnya. Dan cewek itu galau *asik dah bahasanya -_-* Dia ngerasa, dialah yang pantas menjadi pacarnya cowok itu. karena, dia yang lebih mengerti tentang cowok itu.

  • Taylor Swift - Love Story
Juliet sangat mencintai Romeo. Tapi hubungan mereka tidak direstui oleh papahnya Juliet. Pas Romeo kerumah Juliet, diusir sama papahnya. Trus tiba-tiba Romeo ga ada kabar semenjak diusir. Tapi Juliet tetap sabar menunggu kedatangan Romeo. Karna dia yakin Romeo akan datang kerumahnya. Dan benar saja. Tiba-tiba Romeo datang dan langsung berbicara kepada papahnya juliet. dia bilang ingin menikahi Juliet. Akhirnya papahnya merestui dan akhirnya mereka bahagia :)

  • Your Call - Secondhand Serenande

  • Cody Simpson - Don't Cry Your Heart Out
"Janganlah bersedih. cowok gak cuma dia doang." itu yang ingin Cody ucapkan pada wanita pujaannya.

  • Script - For The First Time

  • Avril Lavigne - What The Hell

  • Lyla - Magic

  • Pasto - Tanya Hati

  • Yovie and Nuno - Manusia Biasa
Di lagu ini, si cowok mempertanyakan cinta yang dulu.

  • Ne Yo - One In A Million
Tentang seorang cowok yang lagi memuji bidadarinya. Kata-kata yang ada di lagunya itu loh yang so sweet. keren abis -_-"

  • Miley Cyrus - 7 Things
Lagu ini tentang ungkapan seorang wanita yang sedang jatuh cinta. dan di lirik ini memberikan alasan mengapa ia sangat mencintainya.

  • Demi Lovato ft Jonas Brothers - This is Me

  • Britney Spears - Oops! I Did It Again

  • FM feat. The Cataracs & Dev - Like a G6

  • Kelly Clarkson - My Life Would Sucks Without You

  • Kerispatih - Tertatih

  • Secondhand Serenande - Fall for you


I want to cried on your shoulder, we laugh and telling together. Look at our ways. We are destiny to together forever :)

" When I saw your text message, I'm not going to lie... My heart skipped a beat " #similar2me

untuk ketiga kalinya gue ketemu dia setelah gue lulus. ya, kangen..
kangen becanda.. kangen dijailin.. kangen dikatain.. kangen dikerjain.. kangen diteriakin.. kangen berantem.. kangen nyuruh-nyuruh dia, kangen ngobrol.. kangen curhat.. apalagi sama sahabatnya. kangen banget.. hahaha lupakan.. -__-

sumpah gue masih inget banget pertama kali gue kenal dia.. pertamanya gue kira dia itu nyebelin. bengal. sok keren. tapi setelah kenal lama ternyata anaknya asik. dan PALING BAIK. kenapa? karena dia mau bantuin gue dalam hal apa aja. sampe tugas gue, dia mau ngerjain. hahaha baik banget tu ade kelas..

Dulu, gue digosipin suka ama dia, digosipin pacaran ama dia, sampe digosipin jadi orang ketiga -_-"

Gara-gara dia, nama gue jadi terkenal. Ya, fans dia itu bisa dibilang banyak. termasuk gue dulu pernah suka sama dia. tapi dulu. sebelum kita sahabatan. Sebenernya, sampe sekarang gue bingung. kenapa dia mau gue suruh-suruh ya? sampe tugas gue, dia mau ngerjain. hmm mungkin karena dia pernah ngilangin buku gue kali ya. tapi gatau deh. hanya dia dan Allah yang tau *kata-katanya berat banget sumpah hahahaha*

kocak deh kalo inget dulu. dulu kita pernah drama. ya maksud gue, dulu kita pernah pacaran sehari. tapi pacarannya boongan. ga beneran -_-V bener-bener kocak.

Apalagi pas dia lagi curhat sama gue. pas dia cerita kalo putus sama pacarnya, pas dia berantem sama temennya. tapi terkadang dia lebih banyak terlihat dewasa dibandingkan gue. Soalnya gue paling sering curhat sama dia. Dan sarannya sangat membantu (y).

Yah, sepertinya dulu emang ada yang sirik sama gue. karna gue deket banget sama dia. udah bukan kaya pacaran lagi. tapi adek kakak. tapi sekarang udah lost contact. Semenjak gue lulus. tapi Alhamdulillah dia masih inget gue. kalo misalnya kita pas-pasan ketemu dijalan, dia nyapa gue duluan. kan tandanya dia masih inget sama gue :p


teman-teman yang lagi baca blog gue *kalo ada* gue minta doanya yaa. gue lagi buat novel. semoga novel gue cepet jadi trus bayak peminatnya. amiin :)

Lucky Clover