For The First Time
For The First Sight
Flashback went to Four months ago..

In the first sight, I met him in classmeeting. He played his hobby in front of me and 3 others my friends. First, I really excited to look him. I don't know what happened in my feeling. I really want to more close with him. But I know it not easy. Because, I dunno his name. and that boy dunno my name too.. In fact, I really really want to know his name, his class, his home, etc..

Yes, it's impossible to me to close with him. But, God give me a chance. God has a another plan. Suddenly, he add my account. initially i close with him in virtual world. then, he ask my phone number. we are texting all day, everyday. And now You make may hope is real. Thanks God..

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sorry, I'm not perfect. I never told you that I often think about you. in fact, every second, every minute, every hour, I'm always thinking about you. The shadow of you always appear in my brain. Did you know? I really love you. when we back from school together, I was really nervous. I always ask to my friend. am I pretty? am I ugly? how my face now?

I want to always look beautiful in front of you. and eliminate the existing feeling nervous. but it was really difficult. I feel the most fortunate because could have you.

Did you know? My inbox full of your messages because i only want texting with you. JUST YOU. In fact, I very seldom replied my friend messages.

Actually there are some boys who expressed his feelings to me. but no one I received. because I just love you.

We are always be prince and princess forever.

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Farish: (berlari menghampiri Marsha yang sedang duduk di pinggir lapangan sambil membaca novel) "eh, salam dari lo udah gue sampein ke Adit. katanya salam cinta dari dia. hahah cieee.."

Marsha: (dengan tampang kaget dan tidak percaya) "what? lo yang bener aja rish! gue kan ga nitip salam buat dia. ah parah kan lo!!"

Farish: (duduk disebelah Marsha) "suka beneran juga gapapa kok. Oh iya, katanya, dia suka sama lo. sukanya udah lama. dia minta bantuan gue buat nyomblangin lo sama dia"

Marsha: (tidak peduli dam terus membaca novel) "speak! gak mungkin dia suka sama gue!"

Farish: "ga percaya amet dah. ga mungkinlah gue boong. ngapain juga gue boong. eh mau dibales gak salam dari dia?"

Marsha: "enggak. makasih. palingan lo mau jebak gue doang.. Lagian, si Adit pasti ngomong kaya gitu ke semua cewek yang ngasih salam ke dia.."

Farish: "ya ampun Marsha. gue jujur tadi. gue tau Adit. dia baru pertama kali ngomong salam cinta ke cewek. serius deh gue. Kalo satu sekolahan tau Adit suka sama lo gimana yaa. Pasti fansnya Adit pada kecewa semua deh.. Eh tapi, cocok tau. Lo kan disukain sama banyak cowok. Sama kaya si Adit. banyak disukain cewek. Wah, prince and princess couple nih.. hahahaha" (berlari ke kelas)

Marsha: (mengejar Farish ke arah kelas) "Fariiiiiiiish!!"

-to be continued-


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